Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Pulse Oximeter

Pulse oximeter is the 5 vital signs and operate from light source from LED diode sent to photo diode and receive signals to microprocessor and process to display monitor percent oxygen in blood and can be monitor heart beat in the numeric and we can record parameter from display to patient record and then we will know about condition of patient and this is medical equipment help for doctor.

Monday, 22 October 2007

Non Invasive Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure has been 3 principle
figure of NIBP

figure of test and measurement

Invasive Blood Pressure Monitor

In the present NIBP use principle of oscillometric around the world and can see in the hospital NIBP can be monitor blood pressure and read for diagnostic to High and Low pressure for give medicine to many patient.

Monday, 15 October 2007

Syringe Pump

Syringe Pump use for injection medicine or milk to the patient pass vien

Syringe Pump

Syringe Pump

Thursday, 4 October 2007

Infusion Pump

Pictures of De assembly to Infusion Pump

Component of Infusion

Tools for Test Infusion

Principle of Infusion Pump
  1. Use stepping Motor
  2. Use holder Plate
  3. Use peristaltic Pump
  4. Use Microprocessor control

The finger pump or peristaltic pump will be roller to tube in 1 cycle and Infusion Pump has complete volume 0.2 ml/cycle rate can be set by control panel we can set limit volume and press button for run to Infusion Pump and another cycle has same 1 cycle.

Thursday, 30 August 2007

Principle of Preventive Maintenance

Prenventive Maintenance in Medical Equipment mean Plan Maintenance Plus Inspection We can do every 6 month and main process it has 4 stages

1.Visual Inspection Check
3.Performance Test
4.Safety Test

Tuesday, 19 June 2007



Frank G. Yanowitz, M.D
Professor of Medicine
University of Utah School of Medicine
Medical Director, ECG Department
LDS Hospital
Salt Lake City, Utah

This tutorial is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan E. Lindsay, master teacher of electrocardiography, friend, mentor, and colleague. Many of the excellent ECG tracings illustrated in this learning program are from Dr. Lindsay's personal collection of ECG treasures. For many years these ECG's have been used in the training of medical students, nurses, housestaff physicians, cardiology fellows, and practicing physicians in Salt Lake City, Utah as well as at many regional and national medical meetings. It is an honor to be able to provide this tutorial on the World Wide Web in recognition of Dr. Lindsay's great love for teaching and for electrocardiography.

This interactive ECG tutorial represents an introduction to clinical electrocardiography. ECG terminology and diagnostic criteria often vary from book to book and from one teacher to another. In this tutorial an attempt has been made to conform to standardized terminology and criteria, although new diagnostic concepts derived from the recent ECG literature have been included in some of the sections. Finally, it is important to recognize that the mastery of ECG interpretation, one of the most useful clinical tools in medicine, can only occur if one acquires considerable experience in reading ECG's and correlating the specific ECG findings with the pathophysiology and clinical status of the patient.

The tutorial is organized in sections based on a recommended "Method" of ECG interpretation. Each section provides some didactic teaching points, often linked to illustrations, and an interactive quiz. Beginning students should first go through the sections in the order in which they are presented. Others may chose to explore topics of interest in any order they wish. The ECG's range from the sublime to the ridiculous, from simplicity to complexity, and from boring to fascinating. It is hoped that students will be left with some of the love of electrocardiography shared by Dr. Lindsay.

Tuesday, 5 June 2007


Basic Electronics
Full title: Science Ebooks Basic Electronics

Online Ebook with simulations and troubleshooting.
a publication

Cover Sheet
Below: One of many animations used throughout book..

Silicon Waver Production Click here!

Use Top Navigation Bar to navigate to any of four Ebooks